Sunday, December 11, 2011

Jurassic Park!

Right now I just got crazy about Jurassic Park!
This christmas I'm gonna get a collection of lego dino sets and use the dinosaurs for my lego Jurassic Park MOC (My Own Creation)!
My plan is to start building it tomorrow with my best friend Avery!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Geonosian (Gee - oh - no - son) Arena

battle scene

pyramid-like structure
 the zip line
ice cream parlor

This is the geonosian arena!!!
On the top there are lots of minifigs battling, which includes clones, jedi and battle droids.
On the pyramid-ish structure you can see Mace Windu sneaking up on Jango Fett!!!  
Under that there is a clone pilot going down a zip line!!!
On the bottom there is a skeleton underneath an ice cream parlor.
Plus there is a rock monster ordering ice cream at the bar.
(comments please!!!)   

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

a.r.c. starfighter

Just recently we went to our gramma's house!
We had a fun time and we went to the toy store!
I bought a cool lego ship!
It included 4 figs, 4 blasters, 4 seats, 6 wings and the coolest space ship ever!!!!!!!! 

Monday, February 14, 2011



robot dog

Right now, i am obsessed with robots. 
My favorite robots are robot dogs, because I think they're cute.  

At the Star Wars exhibit at the Science Museum they had a Robot Theater presentation.  
We went to the museum with Avery.  
They had a few robots there, including a robot dog that could play soccer.    
 It inspired me to get back into robots.  

Last night I got a Robot Tekno Dog.  

I am working on making a robot right now.  
I am starting by taking apart old television remotes.  
I am using their circuit boards to try to make my own remote control.
I am thinking of using plastic molds to make their body parts. 
I have a bag full of parts for my robot.  
I found some of the things, and my Gramma and Auntie Christina gave me the rest.

I have three robot books right now.
One about robot brains, one about how to build robots, and the last one is a guide to robots.
(just so you know, this is an old post that has not been published!)