Monday, February 25, 2013

Airborne Trooper

Airborne Trooper

I can't believe it!  It took forever to finally get it right.
Ladies and gentlemen behold...

I tried to make one at least 3 times,
and each time I tried -
I failed!
On my first try it turned out all black.
The next time it came out all white.
And once it looked like a death trooper (zombie stormtrooper)!

Today I recycled one mess-up and turned it into the real thing!  I used an old airborne trooper body I had already made and re-sharpied it!
Now I have the real thing!

The Pink Trooper

A few times in the past I've heard requests for a pink trooper.  After looking at some old posts I decided maybe I should finally make a post for it (if I haven't done it already!)!  This particular clone I made a long time ago.  I made the helmet a long time ago.  But about a month or so ago I made him (or her) a body.  I'm hoping I might get some good comments! (pleez!)

Friday, February 22, 2013

ARC Trooper (Awesomely Rad Clone)

Although I've already made an ARC trooper post in the past, I've            got a brand new one that I just made!  I made it for my Kamino MOC that I'm building.  I built him by combining my phase 2 ARC with a phase 1 clone (all the clones in my MOC will be phase 1).
As cool as he is - he's kinda a prototype.  I'll need to get the right parts to finish him.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

REAL Clone Sergeant

Clone Sergeant
I bet you remember my old clone sergeant post. Well, now I got the official minifig!!!
It came in a new LEGO set with two clones and two destroyer droids!
Currently my favorite clones are anti-troopers.  Anti-troopers are clones who fight stormtroopers.
Not long ago I built an anti-trooper MOC (my own creation)!
It's pretty easy to build an anti-trooper.  All you have to do is give a 
green clone a jetpack and a blaster rifle.
Right now it's my favorite LEGO clone!