Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

LEGO Universe Pets





These are pets from a video game called LEGO Universe!
I have built all of the ones pictured above!
I used to play Universe before it shut down and I always liked
the pets in it!  I have built some in the past but not very many.
After writing this down I'm kinda wanting to build some more!
I've built more Universe things like the paradox research facility!
I wanna post some of my LEGO Universe sets on LEGO Cuusoo!
If I do that I'll make another post for it!

Kalmah + Takadox


Quite some time ago I got very lucky + found some old Bionicles in stores!
Avery reported finding some but he wasn't sure
exactly which store they were at.  Bionicles have
have been discontinued for 3 years.  So we were blown away when we bought 6 year old Bionicles!
I bought Takadox while
Olive got Kalmah!!!
Takadox has 2 sharp claw
things, a squid launcher + really
sharp teeth!  Kalmah has 3 eyes, a tentacle
whip + a squid launcher!  Avery bought all of them online!

They're very sturdy and posable and are very cool!!!
There are many more of them including Ehlek, Pridak,
Mantax, Carapar, Noctum + many more!  They're 
still some of my favorite Bionicles today!