Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

LEGO Universe Pets





These are pets from a video game called LEGO Universe!
I have built all of the ones pictured above!
I used to play Universe before it shut down and I always liked
the pets in it!  I have built some in the past but not very many.
After writing this down I'm kinda wanting to build some more!
I've built more Universe things like the paradox research facility!
I wanna post some of my LEGO Universe sets on LEGO Cuusoo!
If I do that I'll make another post for it!

Kalmah + Takadox


Quite some time ago I got very lucky + found some old Bionicles in stores!
Avery reported finding some but he wasn't sure
exactly which store they were at.  Bionicles have
have been discontinued for 3 years.  So we were blown away when we bought 6 year old Bionicles!
I bought Takadox while
Olive got Kalmah!!!
Takadox has 2 sharp claw
things, a squid launcher + really
sharp teeth!  Kalmah has 3 eyes, a tentacle
whip + a squid launcher!  Avery bought all of them online!

They're very sturdy and posable and are very cool!!!
There are many more of them including Ehlek, Pridak,
Mantax, Carapar, Noctum + many more!  They're 
still some of my favorite Bionicles today!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Quinjet

The Quinjet
Box Art

Some time ago I had My birthday party (sorry I'm late to post
this) + I got a bunch of sets including the AWESOME
QUINJET!!!  The Avengers is 1 of my favorite movies
+ I also like their sets a lot, so this was a perfect gift!

The quinjet features a detailed interior and a huge
cockpit.  It has huge wings and a deployable drone!
It comes with Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, Loki +
A foot soldier.  It also comes with a really cool alien vehicle.
All together it is one of my favorite sets!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Lego Hero Factory Brain Attack!

Shopping Mall

Some time ago I found out about
a new Hero factory game called Brain Attack!
The old game was kinda laggy + you don't have lots
of character options, weapons or sidekicks.
The gameplay is very similar to the old games,
 but it also features very good graphics.
You can play it on the computer or an iphone.
I would say the iphone version is cooler cause
you have more levels, characters + weapons!
You can play Furno, Bulk, Rocka, Breez
or many more classes that come in
the expansion pack!  2 levels are
free, and occasionally you can
go on a paid level for free!  The last
level on City Streets has 300
brain worms, but the Shopping
Mall has
400!!!  I beat the last
level for both of them yesterday!
The City Streets required a million
turrets (a glitch, of course) + a lot of
patience!  The Shopping Mall needed
another army of turrets and the whole team!
There are pickups in the game were you
can get a turret, throw a bomb, heal
yourself, speed up or achieve a
weapon boost!  You can
fight a few enemies
including brain
boss henchmen +
bosses (some henchmen
can explode!)!  The City Streets
level has lots of streets to go down + an
opening subway tunnel!  The Shopping Mall
has lots of platforms + escalators + looks like a
real mall!  The Spaceport has lots of hallways in it,
with a big H logo that opens in the middle!  I've
never played the scrapyard yet but I sure wanna'!
The weapons range from tiny blasters to big
electric weapons!  The weapon pack
comes with even more weapons
for just $1.  I sure wish there
was a weapon that could
throw some bombs!
The game starts
out easy, but
gets really
hard in the end!
I would definitely
recommend this game to one
 of my friends who hasn't already
gone crazy about it!  :)

Friday, May 31, 2013

LEGO Hero Factory Breez 5.0

Breez 5.0

A few days ago we went to see our grandmother in Houston.
We had a lot of fun + went to Toys R Us where I got Breez.
Although i'm strictly a Bionicle fan, there
were none there so I had to improvise.
Maybe Hero Factory guys are cooler than I thought!

Breez 5.0 has a
giant blade and a cool saw.
Also Breez has way more armor than you
might expect on an ~air~ type!
This might be one of my favorite sets by far
(besides the death star of course!)!

PS      I would appreciate some post suggestions!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

LEGO Star Wars AT-RT

AT-RT + Minifigs
Box Art

Not too long ago Olive went to 
Toys R Us to buy a new LEGO Friends set.  
After a long day of school, I wanted something fun to do - 
so I decided to go with them.
 I wanted to get the new BARC speeder set,
 but it wasn't there so I decided to get the AT-RT.
 I didn't regret it!

The set includes: Yoda, a Clone Trooper, a Commando Droid Captain and a Sniper Droid.
The set costs an OK $19.99.
The AT-RT itself is awesome!  It has a rotating canon, moveable legs and a shielded seat for the clone trooper!
It has 222 pieces and is pretty easy to build.
Overall it is an awesome set.  If you're looking for 
something good to buy I would recommend the AT-RT!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Airborne Trooper

Airborne Trooper

I can't believe it!  It took forever to finally get it right.
Ladies and gentlemen behold...

I tried to make one at least 3 times,
and each time I tried -
I failed!
On my first try it turned out all black.
The next time it came out all white.
And once it looked like a death trooper (zombie stormtrooper)!

Today I recycled one mess-up and turned it into the real thing!  I used an old airborne trooper body I had already made and re-sharpied it!
Now I have the real thing!

The Pink Trooper

A few times in the past I've heard requests for a pink trooper.  After looking at some old posts I decided maybe I should finally make a post for it (if I haven't done it already!)!  This particular clone I made a long time ago.  I made the helmet a long time ago.  But about a month or so ago I made him (or her) a body.  I'm hoping I might get some good comments! (pleez!)

Friday, February 22, 2013

ARC Trooper (Awesomely Rad Clone)

Although I've already made an ARC trooper post in the past, I've            got a brand new one that I just made!  I made it for my Kamino MOC that I'm building.  I built him by combining my phase 2 ARC with a phase 1 clone (all the clones in my MOC will be phase 1).
As cool as he is - he's kinda a prototype.  I'll need to get the right parts to finish him.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

REAL Clone Sergeant

Clone Sergeant
I bet you remember my old clone sergeant post. Well, now I got the official minifig!!!
It came in a new LEGO set with two clones and two destroyer droids!
Currently my favorite clones are anti-troopers.  Anti-troopers are clones who fight stormtroopers.
Not long ago I built an anti-trooper MOC (my own creation)!
It's pretty easy to build an anti-trooper.  All you have to do is give a 
green clone a jetpack and a blaster rifle.
Right now it's my favorite LEGO clone!