Monday, June 18, 2012

What Now?

If any of ya'll remember the crazy lego battles me + Avo-face (Yes, I call him that!) had with Emile + Olive, I would have to tell you...... it is looooooooong over!  I mean it's kinda nice to have almost everything intact right now but I really miss all the action!  Sadly, after all this time something worse than a rival army has taken over!  It's called: BOREDOM!  Hopefully there should be some kind of battlefront that awaits us!                                                                                              
P.S.  If there is another war, I hope it will be LEGOs V.S. LEGOs!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading all of your posts Joe!!!! You do such a great job. I really like all of the new pictures!!! I love you

    Nanny and B
